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CJWinter Thread Rolling Attachments

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CJWinter manufactures a wide range of attachment thread rolls. Our quality and performance is unsurpassed, and we can ship 80% of our thread rolls in 24-48 hours.

CJWinter produces rolls to fit not only their own attachments, but also all major manufacturers, including Reed, Fette, Salvo, and Detroit.

Thread roll attachments include:

ER Series

ER Series



Match Taper for Pipe Threads

Match Tapered


Tangential Attachments

How to Order CJWinter Thread Rolls

When placing an order or requesting a quote, please have the following information available:

Make and model of thread rolling attachment
Style of thread roll (i.e. D-1, DR-1, C-1, etc.)
Size and pitch of thread to be rolled, including dimensional tolerances if other than standard
Length of thread on part
Material to be rolled
Print of part to be rolled

Special rolls may require a sample part or more detailed specifications
Some rolls require a special calculation to figure the work face on the roll

Most orders are shipped the same day to points all over the world.